Sketch to Website

Best Practices

To get the best results during export and import, follow these guidelines when working with Sketch:

  • About Artboard

    • The smallest unit of Sketch elements when imported into Daruma is the Artboard.
    • If there is no Artboard at the top level during export, Daruma will automatically nest a Artboard around the top-level elements.
    • Among multiple Artboards exported, the first Artboard will be set to the default display state.
  • About Symbol

    • Daruma supports the export of Sketch Symbols as Symbols, allowing each instance of a component to be exported as a Symbol Instance.
    • Currently, Daruma does not support Symbol groups. Each Symbol in a Symbol group will be exported as a Symbol Master.
  • About Layout & Resizing

    • Daruma supports the Sketch Resizing constraint feature.
    • Daruma does not support the Sketch Smart layout feature.
  • It is recommended to use descriptive and unique layer names when exporting to avoid duplication. This practice helps maintain a clear layer structure and facilitates a better export outcome.

  • If custom fonts are used in the design within Sketch, these fonts need to be added as assets to Daruma. This ensures that the fonts are correctly displayed when previewing and deploying the UI.

Exportable Elements and Their Support Status

✅ Supported
⭕️ Partially supported & WIP
❌ Currently not supported

Exportable ElementsExplanationStatus
LayersArtboardArtboard is a rectangular area similar to a canvas, used to accommodate and organize design elements.
GroupGroup refers to the act of combining multiple layers or objects together to form a single entity.
Mask• Outline mask
• Alpha mask
Mask is a mechanism used to control the visibility of layers or objects. By combining a layer or object with a mask layer, you can control the display or hiding of underlying content based on the shape and transparency of the mask.
RotationRotation refers to the operation of rotating a layer or object around a certain center point by a certain angle.
Overflow• Clip
• Visible
Overflow refers to the way content is handled when a container cannot fully display its contents. The overflow property can be used to control whether scrollbars are displayed or content is clipped when it overflows.
Boolean• None
• Union
• Subtract
• Intersect
• Difference
Boolean is commonly used to refer to boolean operations between graphic objects.
Symbols• Symbol master
• Symbol instance
Symbols refer to reusable visual elements or modules.
Vector layerVector layer refers to a layer based on vector graphics.
OpacityOpacity refers to the degree of transparency of a layer or object.
Blend mode• Normal
• Darken
• Multiply
• Color burn
• Lighten
• Screen
• Color dodge
• Overlay
• Soft light
• Hard light
• Difference
• Exclusion
• Hue
• Saturation
• Color
• Luminosity
• Plus darker❌
• Plus lighter❌
Blend mode refers to the algorithm for blending or combining colors between layers.
RadiusThe term "Radius" refers to the value of the radius of a rounded corner.
Corner type• Smooth✅
• Rounded✅
• Angled❌
• Inside square❌
• Inside arc❌
Flip• Horizontally flip
• Vertically flip
Flip refers to the operation of mirroring a layer or object horizontally or vertically.
TransformationTo make changes to the position, size, rotation, and tilt of design elements.
ShapesBasic shape and path shape• Rectangle
• Line
• Ellipse
• Polygon
• Star
• Vector path
• Arrow❌
The basic shape refers to pre-defined simple geometric figures, such as rectangles, circles, ellipses, etc. Path shape is a custom shape composed of a series of straight line segments and curve segments.
Open path & Close pathAn open path refers to a state where the starting and ending points of a path are not connected. A closed path refers to a state where the starting and ending points of a path are connected by line segments or curves, forming a closed shape.
Compound PathA compound path is a single shape formed by combining multiple path shapes.
Bézier curveBézier curve is a mathematical curve defined by a starting point, an endpoint, and control points to determine its shape.
TextsText LayerText layers are used to add and edit text content.
Basic metadata and styles• Basic styling (font, size, weight, fill) ✅
• Decoration lines✅
• Case transformation❌
It refers to the basic information and style attributes applied to the text layer.⭕️
Paragraph property• Line height(line-spacing)✅
• Paragraph spacing❌
The paragraph attribute is used to control the layout and formatting of paragraphs in a text layer.⭕️
Text layer resize• Fixed
• Auto width
• Auto height
Text layer resizing refers to the operation of changing the size of a text box to fit the content of the text.
Open type features• Variable font weight
• Variable font width
• misc
OpenType is a font format jointly developed by Adobe and Microsoft. It is an extension of the TrueType font format.
EmojiEmoticons are graphic symbols used to represent emotions, objects, or concepts.
List styleThe list style is used to control the appearance and layout of lists in a text layer.
Text on pathText on path refers to the ability to place text along a specified path or shape.
ImagesImage fill type• Fill
• Fit
• Stretch
• Tile
Allows users to fill a shape or area with a repeating pattern instead of a solid color or gradient.
Color adjust• Hue
• Saturation
• Brightness
• Contrast
Image filters are tools that apply special effects or adjustments to images.
LayoutsResizing constraints• Fixe size
• Pin to Edge
When you resize an Artboard you can control how the layers on it will behave. You can choose to leave everything on the Artboard in place and at its original size — or resize all the content. You can further control a layer’s behavior by directly applying resizing constraints to it.
StylesFill• Color
• Image
• Linear gradient
• Radial gradient
• Angular gradient
• Pattern⭕️
Filling refers to the process of filling the interior area of a shape or path with color, gradient, texture, and other methods.
Winding rule• Non-zero
• Even-odd
The "Winding rule" is a concept used in computer graphics and design software to determine how to fill a shape with a specific pattern or color.
Border• Color
• Fill
• Position
• Border width
• Border style
• Join type
• Marker type❌
Border refers to applying a line on the boundary of a shape or path, used to define the outline of the shape or path.
Shadow• Drop shadow
• Inner shadow
• Shadow blur
• Shadow spread
Shadow is a visual effect created behind graphic elements or text to simulate the shadow effect under light illumination.
Blur• Gaussian
• Background
• Motion
• Zoom
Blur is an effect that reduces the sharpness and details of an image or graphic element, making it appear blurry or softened.