Design conversion and publishing:

  • How to convert my Figma design to a web page?
    • Please refer to our Quick Start guide for detailed steps and operational instructions.
  • What publishing options does Daruma support?
    • Daruma offers comprehensive publishing options, including basic site information setup, SEO optimization tools, and custom domain.
  • How to update a published website?
    • Updating a published website is quite simple. You can use Daruma's plugin to directly sync the latest design changes to Daruma, or upload your locally saved updated design files to ensure that your website content is always up to date.
  • How to revoke a published website?
    • If you need to revoke or delete a website published through Daruma, you can do so from the Daruma site panel.

Mobile devices and eesponsive design:

  • How does my website perform on mobile devices?
    • Daruma will soon offer responsive design features such as breakpoints, adaptive layouts, and themes, allowing your website to deliver the best browsing experience on any device.
  • Does Daruma support responsive design?
    • Daruma's responsive design capabilities are coming soon, ensuring that your website will adapt as expected to various screen sizes and devices, providing a consistent user experience.

Design file compatibility:

  • What design file formats does Daruma support for import?
    • Daruma currently supports importing files from design software such as Figma, Sketch, and Adobe Illustrator. Please visit our File Compatibility page for a full list of supported file formats and relevant compatibility information.
  • What design file formats does Daruma support for export?
    • Daruma supports exporting files in formats such as PNG, JPG, WEBP, SVG, and PDF. Please visit our File Compatibility page for a full list of supported file formats and relevant compatibility information.

Need more help?

Check out the documentation or get assistance in the Discord channel.